Why write a will?
Writing a will gives you control over what happens to your estate, protects your families interests and assures your wishes are properly executed.
1) To ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you die. If you die without a will, your assets will be distributed according to statutory rules (called Intestacy) which may not align with your wishes. Writing a will allows you to control who inherits your property, money and possessions.
2) To provide for your family and loved ones. A will allows you to make provisions for your spouse, children, other relatives, friends, or charities that you wish to benefit or indeed perhaps you wish to exclude. You can specify exact amounts, proportions or items to distribute.
3) To minimize Inheritance liabilities (death duties) Careful estate planning through a will can help minimise the amount of inheritance tax due on the transfer of your assets upon your death. Various tax planning strategies can be employed.
4) To protect against long term care costs. Strategies like estate trusts in a will can help protect your assets from being depleted to pay long term care costs late in life.
5) To appoint guardians for minor children. For parents will young children designating a guardian in a will ensure care is provided for the child by someone you know and trust.
6) To Avoid disputes, a valid will makes your wishes legally binding, this can help avoid potential conflict or confusion that can arise.
Further information about Wills:

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Take Control of Your Legacy
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Intestacy Rules
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Estate planning and the provision of Wills are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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